Review of the 10th Anniversary of Guhong


2014:Steinhardt from Germany, in collaboration with Shenzhen Zhongtou Investment Holding Co., Ltd. invested in the construction of a Sino-German joint venture - Guhong (Shanghai) Environmental Protection Engineering Equipment Co., Ltd. in Shanghai.

2016:Undertake the first Sino-German government water special cooperation project - Jiaxing Huancheng River overflow outlet renovation project.

2017:Undertaking the first batch of national sponge city construction demonstration projects - Chizhou Sponge City Combined Sewer Overflow Pollution Control Project, this project has been awarded the Excellent Grade in the three-year performance evaluation of national sponge city construction pilot cities.

2018:Undertake the second batch of national sponge city construction demonstration projects- Guyuan Sponge City Sewage Interception and Overflow Control Project.

2020:Undertaking the "Yangtze River Protection" Pilot Demonstration Project - Yueyang Dongfeng Lake Water Environment Treatment Project.

2022:The West Plant has been completed and put into operation, with a total production workshop of over 10,000 square meters; 2. Wilo Group has invested and the company has transformed from a Sino-German joint venture into a German enterprise.

2024:10th anniversary of the establishment of Guhong.


Having over 200 national key engineering projects

Ecological Environment Innovation Engineering Award Project: Chizhou Sponge City Combined Sewer Overflow Pollution Control Project.

The largest interception well project in East China: Nanjing Jiangbei New Area Riverside Water Environment Improvement and Utilization Project.

Application of Sponge Theory to design and implement above-ground sponge facilities and Underground Water Storage Projects: Shenzhen Maozhou River Water Environment Comprehensive Treatment Project.

The second batch of demonstration projects for national sponge city construction: Guyuan Sponge City Sewage Interception and Overflow Control Project.

The largest regulation and storage tank project in North China: Taiyuan Sanwang Pump Station Relocation Project Rainwater Pump Station.

The largest regulation and storage tank project in Southwest China: Chengdu Xiwayan Recycled Water Plant and Regulation and Storage Tank Project.

"Double Awar d" Pr ojec t s f or Ecologi cal Env ir onm ent I nnovat ion Engineering Cases and Excellent Water Environment Governance Cases in the 14th Five-Year Plan Period: Initial Rainwater Regulation and Storage Projects for the Twenty Port River, Xiaobanqiao River, and Nanfei River.

Participated in 4 major water special cooperation projects between the Chinese and German governments

The Smart Sponge Demonstration Project of KEYS, a Sino-German Cooperation Project :Yudai River Water Quality Treatment Project in Tongzhou, Beijing.

Sino-German Cooperation Project (SinoWaterT3) Rainwater and Flood Management Demonstration Project :Kunming Xiaolu Ditch Rainwater and Wastewater Diversion Node Renovation Project. 

The pilot project of comprehensive treatment of water pollution cooperated by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research(BMBF), and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Science and Technology of China :the demonstration project of pollution treatment in the Taihu Lake Lake basin: the renovation project of overflow outlet of Jiaxing Huancheng River. 

The pipeline network node renovation pilot project cooperated by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research(BMBF), and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Science and Technology of China: Wuxi Liangqing Road Inverted Siphon Pipeline Flushing Project.


Participated in the compilation of 6 industry standards

MOHURD issued the "Technical Guidelines for the Treatment of Urban Black and Odor Water Bodies - Drainage Outlets, Pipelines, and Inspection Wells (Trial)" in August 2016.

The Drawing Collection for National Building Standard Design "Rainwater Storage Facilities - Reinforced Concrete Rainwater Storage Tanks" issued by the China Institute of Building Standard Design and Research in 2018.

The Technical Guide for Pollution Sources Investigation in Watershed Environment Comprehensive Management released by the All-China Environment Federation in 2023.

The Implementation Guideline for the Construction of Sponge City Management and Control Platforms released by All-China Environment Federation in 2023.

The Standards for Sponge City Construction and design released by the Housing and Urban Rural Development Department of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in 2023.

The Assessment Standards for Sponge City Construction effects released by the Housing and Urban Rural Development Department of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in 2023.

Compile 3 industry works

Compi l e t h e book “S t a nda rds for t h e D imens ioning a nd D e s ign of S tormwa t e r S truc t ur e s in Combined S ewe r s” by t h e G e rma n Wa t e r, Wa s t ewa t e r a nd Wa s t e T r e a tment A s soc i a tion ( A TV- A - 1 2 8 E )

D e s ign a nd Ca l cul a tion Spe c ifi c a tion for O ne S t age A c ti v a t ed S ludge Me t hod DWA - A 1 3 1

Q & A on G e rma n D r a inage T e chnology Funda ment a l s Cour s e

Published 9 journal articles

1. Volume 38, Issue 22 of China Water Supply and Drainage: Design and Application of HydroGuard Mini in Inverted Rainbow Pipe Flushing.

2. Volume 56, Issue 474 of "Water Supply and Drainage": "The Appl ication of Node Reconstruction Technology for Improving the Performance of Urban Drainage Systems" .

3. Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Rainwater Flood Management and Black and Odorous Water Treatment: "Application of Energy Optimization Management Methods and Technologies in Rainwater Management under the Background of Carbon Neutrality" .

4. Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Rainwater Flood Management and Black and Odorous Water Treatment: "Application of New Technologies and Equipment for Overflow Pollution Removal in Rainwater Treatment in China" .

5. Green Living, Vol. 162: How to Protect Underground Space in Extreme rainstorm 6. Article on WeChat Official Accounts of Shanghai Urban Construction Design& Research Institute: 

① Introduction to the 2022 German Wastewater Treatment Survey - Special Investigation on External Water.

② The current situation, prospects, and inspirations of the German drainage network system 

③ Introduction to the innovative processes, methods, and technologies for investigating, planning, constructing, operating, and repairing the current status of drainage systems in Germany

④ Illustrated sewage treatment plant - suggestions for design, construction, and operation personnel

Collaborating with 6 renowned universities in China and Germany

1. University of Hamburg 

2. Technical University Aachen, Germany 

3. Hannover University 

4. Tsinghua University 

5. Tongji University 

6. Harbin Institute of Technology

Join 7 member units

1. Vice President Unit of the CSES 

2. Member unit of the China As soc iation of Machiner y Indus tr y for Environmental Protec tion 

3. Member unit s of the Al l-China Env ironment Federation 

4. Member unit s of the Water Env ironmental GovernanceCommittee of the Al l-China Env ironment Federation 

5. Member unit s of Shanghai water rec lamation trade as soc iation 

6. Member unit of Shanghai Water Engineering As soc iation 

7. E20 Env ironment Platform

Passed 6 qualification certifications

1. Shanghai High-tech Enterprise Certification 

2. Shanghai "Special ized, Refined, Special, and New" Enterprise Certification 

3. ISO three system certification 

4. Steinhardt Brand Certification 

5. 5-Star After-sales service certification 

6. Enterprise credit rating AAA certification

Received over 20 industry honors

"Little Giant" Enterprise in Jiading District, Shanghai 

Leading Enterprise in the Field of Water Environment Restoratio 

Excellent Environmental Protection Brand Enterprise 

Innovation Award for Rainwater Overflow Regulation and Storage Technology

Innovation Award for Rainwater and Wastewater Diversion Device 

Innovation Award for Comprehensive Management Technology of Rainwater and Wastewater 

Ecological Environment Innovation Technology Products 

Ecological Environment Innovation Project 

Environmental Innovation Project Cases in the 14th Five-Year Plan Period

Excellent Cases of Water Environment Governance

Carbon neutrality pledge enterprise credit certification 

Green low-carbon enterprise credit demonstration certification

Green low-carbon enterprise credit commitment certification

The unpowered control source rainwater and sewage diversion technology has been shortlisted for the leading technology list of "Innovation China" 

Chairman Zhu Longlong has been appointed as a specially invited researcher at the China Environmental Protection Industry Research Institute


Approved over 200 patents and 3 invention patents

A rainwater and sewage switching device for diversion rainwater pipelines

A storage and self flushing device for drainage inverted siphons

A floating control flow regulating valve capable of automatically clearing blockages

Speeches at over 20 industry conferences

2023 Sponge City Construction Exchange Conference 

2023 Conference on Urban Development and Planning 

2023 China Environmental Expo Chengdu Exhibition 

2023 Zhongguancun Forum - International Sponge Cit y Development Conference

2023 Asia Conference on Low Carbon Technology and Innovation and the 3rd National Conference on Carbon Neutrality and Green Development

2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2023 China Environmental Expo 

2021 and 2023 China Environmental Technology Conference

2021 and 2023 Urban Rainwater and Flood Management and Comprehensive Water Environment Management Conference 

2021 Shanghai International City and Architectural Expo 

2020 Shanghai Water Focus Forum 

2020 Urban Water Environment Conference 

2018 Sino-German Pipeline Maintenance Seminar 

2018 National Conference on Urban Black and Odor Water Treatment and Water Environment Ecological Restoration 

2016 and 2018 Sino-German Dianchi Lake Basin Comprehensive Management Seminar


Received over 20 media interviews/reports

Xinhua News Agency interview: Empowering technological innovation for water environment governance in the post-pandemic 

CCTV's "The Age of Influence" Interview with Shui Junyi: Orderly Inheritance and Innovative Development 

CCTV's "Water in Life": Bringing German Rainwater Management Technology Back to China CCTV's "Water in Life": Reflections on the Rainwater Station at the Shanghai World Expo 

CCTV Era Image: The Application of German Rainwater Comprehensive Utilization Technology in China

CCTV's "Extraordinary engineer": Stay true to the Original Aspiration to Promote Development 

Hangzhou TV Station: On s ite of t he 12t h Rainwat er and Flood Management and Comprehens ive Water Env ironment Treatment Conference 

China Environment News: Guhong Water Conservancy Technology Serving the High Quality Development of Urban Water Conservancy Infrastructure 

China Env ironment News : Guhong' s Non Power Control Sour ce Interception Technology, Fundamentally Effectively Transforming Black and Odor Water into Clear Water in the Long Term

China Environment News: China Germany Cooperation Empowers Urban Water Environment Governance in China 

Interview with "Environmental Protection Circle": Private environmental protection enterprises voice: Standardize market mechanisms, jointly create a future of environmental protection 

"Hunan Daily" Intelligent outlet device makes river water protection is more accurate: the intelligent transformation of the outlet of the Guitang River in Changsha brings about clear river water 

E20 environmental platform: using rainwater and flood management technology to support the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals 

E20 Environmental Platform: Application of German Rainwater and Flood Management Technology in the Chinese Market

Guhong (Shanghai) Environmental Protection Engineering Equipment Co.,Ltd will continue to develop steadily in the next decade, Continuously opening up new chapters!